
Local Search Engine Optimization

Grow Your Online Visibility Within Your Target Locations


jungleeweb An Local Search Engine Optimization

Approximately 93 percent of U.S. consumers search for local businesses online and about 88 percent of SEO local mobile searches result in a store visit or phone call within 24 hours. Ramp up your local search engine optimization efforts and connect your brand with high-intent customers in your area.

JungleeWeb  Digital  Marketing Agency offers conversion-driven local SEO services to ensure your business ranks high in SEO local search queries and achieves revenue growth.







What Is Local SEO?

Dominate Your Niche With Strong Digital Branding

What are Local SEO Services

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Services are techniques and strategies used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website or business in local search engine results. The aim of local SEO is to increase the online visibility of a business for potential customers within a specific geographic area or location.

Local SEO services typically involve optimizing a business’s website and online presence for relevant local keywords and phrases, creating and optimizing Google My Business listing, building local citations and backlinks, and managing online reviews. These strategies help businesses to appear more prominently in local search results, driving more targeted traffic to their website and ultimately increasing their chances of generating leads and sales from local customers.

Examples of businesses that can benefit from local SEO services include restaurants, plumbers, electricians, lawyers, dentists, and other local service-based businesses.

What are local SEO ranking factors?

Google looks at various local SEO ranking factors to determine your search rankings. These include:

  • Google Business Profile or Google My Business (GMB) listing
  • Name, address and phone number (NAP) consistency in local business citations
  • Domain authority
  • Quality of local search citations
  • Click-through rate (CTR) from search results
  • Keywords
  • User experience (UX)
  • Review quality, velocity and diversity
  • Link signals

How to do local SEO?

Local SEO leverages various local digital marketing tactics to rank up your local SEO ranking, including:.

  • Local business SEO keyword targeting
  • Google Business Profile or Google My Business optimization
  • Local search citations
  • Online reputation management
  • Link building
  • On-page SEO
  • SEO local landing page optimization
  • Google local SEO content marketing

To compete within your service locations, understanding what is local search optimization and how to do local SEO is critical. Begin your local search optimization now and position your brand in front of your ideal audience segments.

Need expert help to unravel what is local SEO and how to boost your local SEO ranking? The best local SEO company can answer all your local SEO marketing questions and guide you with your local SEO optimization efforts.

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